Becky Blackmon - A spiritual voyage where God is our trusted pilot.
Wilburta Arrowood - Sisters at Sea charts safe courses through dangerous waters.
Scott Harp - How to build your ''ship'' with blueprints from the Master Shipbuilder.
Celine Sparks - Pick a book worth your time investment. This is it!
Teresa Hampton - Refreshing, insightful, and instructional.
Laurel Sewell - Navigate many ''ships'' including Kinship, Hardship, and Fellowship. Challenging in its admonitions.
Cindy Colley - Anchor closer to the shores of heaven. Perfect for women of all ages and vocations. Sail with the captain of your salvation (Hebrews 2:10)
Kathy Pollard - Full of Scripture, warm humor. Topics: marriage, parenting, faith, fellowship, and even depression. "Membership" chapter is dedicated to God's plan of salvation.