| - Title: If Mama Ain't Happy
- Author: Celine Sparks
- ISBN: 9781945127243
- Our Price: $11.95
- Description:
Warning: If you're grouchy, pessimistic, defeated, worried, stubborn, impatient, critical, greedy, complaining, pouting, or self-serving, you'd better watch out. This book's going to get you!
Is Mama looking for happiness in all the wrong places? Is she worrying? depressed? unforgiving? stubborn? self-righteous? or greedy? If Mama is lacking a sense of humor, this book is not for her. Helpings of humor served up alongside the serious consequences in store when we don't choose joy. Celine says, "What we view as negatives are nothing but a lack of appreciation for the positives staring us in the face!" Certainly, we all have some suffering, but we also have a perfect example of the One who endured the most horrible suffering "for the joy set before Him." This book holds many keys to making choices that bring great joy. Great book for personal study or Bible classes. 13 chapters and thought questions.
For the Christian, whose sins are washed forever away, who awaits a spot at the welcome table, the pity party has been replaced. We have a genuine happiness that outlives the plastic kind, that absorbs the tears, and refocuses the heart. This book shouts, ''Yoohoo! The party's over here!'' to women looking for that breed of happiness.
-Celine Sparks Reader Comments for If Mama Ain't Happy: Reading this book is like chatting with an encouraging (and witty!) friend. Every chapter brings us to a crossroads, where Celine offers two opposing reactions to everyday situations. Celine's humor will immediately draw you in, and her warmth and godly wisdom will leave you inspired to step forward in faith. I adore her creative approach to "speaking the truth in love"!
-Kristin Hicks, author at The Ruffled Mango online
For many years, Celine Sparks has written books and articles, participated on many lectureship programs, and spoken at a number of ladies' days. Her latest book is If Mama Ain't Happy. Although a book designed for ladies, I have had the privilege of reading this very fine work. As the title suggests, it is a book about happiness. You will find it difficult to put this book down after you start reading it. With her great sense of humor, she has produced a volume which is witty, laugh-out-loud funny, and yet, thought-provoking. Her true-to-life illustrations and lessons will greatly benefit all readers. -David Lipe, PhD, retired Bible professor FHU, author of Commentary on John and other books
If Mama Ain't Happy gives us practical examples of what barriers to Biblical happiness may look like in our own lives, and it uses humor, personal experience, and knowledge gained from studying God's Word to challenge us to recognize and overcome those barriers. Celine Sparks touches our heartstrings and our funny bones with her teachable-moment stories about potlucks, family photo sessions, grandparents' love, Christmas socks, building race cars, ketchup bottles, fireworks, and even biscuits in a way like no other to encourage us to live as God intended. Her insights coupled with her guided Bible study are beneficial to women of all ages and all circumstances as we seek and share the joy that can be found in Christ Jesus. -Debbie McLaughlin, Executive Coordinator - FHU Associates
You know a book is good when you can't wait to tell others all about it. Conviction plus humor is a powerful combination, and If Mama Ain't Happy has plenty of both. It's real. It's relatable. And you can't help but come away from this study with a better heart posture. -Kathy Pollard, author of Return to Me
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